
May 17, 2021

Celebrating World Telecommunications Day: How we support Digital Transformation


World Telecommunication & Information Society Day has been observed annually every 17 May since 1969 to celebrate the power of telecommunication and its importance in building connections around the world.

In these challenging times we have been forced to reorganize the importance of Digital Transformation as  COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the critical role of #ICTs for the continued functioning of societies and the digital inequalities between and within countries. At the same time, it has also stressed the urgency of accelerating digital transformation and advancing the goals and targets of the Connect 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind.

WTISD 2021 is an opportunity to promote national strategies on ICT development, to encourage investments, cooperation, and partnership as well as to emphasize the key role of telecommunication and ICTs in building social resilience.

ATOP has been undertaking ITU invitation to actively participate in "Accelerating Digital Transformation in challenging times", by pushing for digital transformation as a leading networking solution provider.

For over 30 years, ATOP has been committed to sustain economies between countries and across different sectors through a constant innovation and development of a wide range of high-level industrial connections.

Our experts are at your disposal to let you discover our world!


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